
Showing posts from July, 2012

money or happiness: Mental toughness is the way!!!

money or happiness: Mental toughness is the way!!! : Life is a tough journey but it is rightly said, if a person is mentally tough, any task can be seen/done in a better perspective.To make th...

Mental toughness is the way!!!

Life is a tough journey but it is rightly said, if a person is mentally tough, any task can be seen/done in a better perspective.To make things crystal clear,let me tell you a simple yet unknown to many;an event that was more of mental effort than a physical effort.All in the age group of twenties,these group of men were given task of running 40 km whole night with temp close to 46 degree and humidity close to 95% and icing on the cake- load of 25kgs.Most of us would think,its insane and impossible to even think of such a task.But they ran like tigers and not only completed the task but also ran in a group to motivate each single runner to finish this task.As a result,because of tough mental stamina these young men completed the given task.No one dropped out,in other words every one finished of this endurance test.When lucky enough, happened to meet these men,one of them was asked "how the hell,in such hot n humid conditions,you ran?", to this he replied smilingly" its ...

money or happiness: dogs r indeed more humans and leave an evelasting ...

money or happiness: dogs r indeed more humans and leave an evelasting ... : Thanks a ton!! It was a cold winter morning,temp almost close to -35 degree,i would like to tell you about a real story,which of course...

dogs r indeed more humans and leave an evelasting impact

Thanks a ton!! It was a cold winter morning,temp almost close to -35 degree,i would like to tell you about a real story,which of course made me realize that sometimes dogs are super human creatures who love you unconditionally,though these days unfortunately not a very human like trait..:) Anyways,they were six people in a link which started through a very dangerous cliff and avalanche prone area,the task was very important and link was indispensable.As we all know, dogs have got great sixth sense,and no matter what happens they would remain loyal to their master in every situation,they did something which has forced me to pen down their heroics.As the link progressed and reached a place which was right under a heavy avalanche prone area,unfortunately, avalanche triggered.In matter of few seconds link was in snow,these three dogs,were accompanying the link,it was not a very massive avalanche but good enough to bury alive any human in few hours if not evacuated.Two of them remaine...

money or happiness: money or happiness: folks its often thought that m...

money or happiness: money or happiness: folks its often thought that m... : money or happiness: folks its often thought that money gives you true ... : folks its often thought that money gives you true happpiness..b...

live life in a simple way!!: life is short,sometime you realise that all things...

live life in a simple way!!: life is short,sometime you realise that all things... : life is short,sometime you realise that all things ur fighting for is not actually u wanted but what others wanted u to get.Never ever proc...
folks its often thought that money gives you true happpiness..but rethink do you actually think money is the only thing.A simple example would be if ur given a very big mansion/bunglow to stay with loads of luxury..but ur the only one with nobody else,that is, no loved ones,no relatives,no other human element...i guess you wd suffocate.Money is something if shared, might get reduced but happiness is one thing if shared gets doubled..dnt run for money,Thank God for your health and the presence of those loved ones whom u might not value may be ur old parents who brought u up,may be a cute girl/boy who loves u BUT ur wasting time in liking someone else who does not value you,wasting time in hating people.lIFE IS PRECIOUS AND UR DAMN LUCKY TO GET ON TO THIS EARTH,SO UR ALREADY LUCKY AND WINNERS,AS CHARLES DARWIN HAS TOLD SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST,HENCE ALL OF US R LUCKY TO SURVIVE THAT TEST.Try to remain cheerful and keep working you would get the fruits sooner or later but please do not mi...