Thanks a ton!! It was a cold winter morning,temp almost close to -35 degree,i would like to tell you about a real story,which of course made me realize that sometimes dogs are super human creatures who love you unconditionally,though these days unfortunately not a very human like trait..:) Anyways,they were six people in a link which started through a very dangerous cliff and avalanche prone area,the task was very important and link was indispensable.As we all know, dogs have got great sixth sense,and no matter what happens they would remain loyal to their master in every situation,they did something which has forced me to pen down their heroics.As the link progressed and reached a place which was right under a heavy avalanche prone area,unfortunately, avalanche triggered.In matter of few seconds link was in snow,these three dogs,were accompanying the link,it was not a very massive avalanche but good enough to bury alive any human in few hours if not evacuated.Two of them remaine...